Бедренная вена в качестве кондуита при повторных артериальных реконструкциях
Ключевые слова:
инфекция сосудистого протеза, бедренная вена как артериальный шунт
Представлен первый опыт авторов по использованию бедренной вены в качестве артериального кондуита при повторных реконструкциях в аорто-бедренном сегменте. У 4-х больных с помощью бедренной вены были замещен искусственный сосудистый процесс, подвергнувшийся инфекции. Независимо от резекции глубокой венозной магистрали ни у одного из больных не были отмечены гемодинамические нарушения в системе венозного оттока. Аутовенозный шунт функционирует нормально в отдаленном периоде от 5 до 11 мес.Литература
1. Fields Ch. E., Bower T C. Use of superficial femoral artery to treat an infected great vessel prosthetic graft. J.Vasc.Surgery, V.40, 3, 265-280
2. Schulman ML, Badhey MR, Yatco R, Pillari G. An 11-year experience with deep leg veins as femoropopliteal bypass grafts. // Arch Surg. 1986 Sep;121(9):1010-5.
3. Д.Ставрев,Г.Маринов, В.Княжев. Ремоделиране на стената на vena saphena magna и на vena femoralis при
пациенти с хронична артериална недостатъчност на дол- ните крайници /ХАНДК/. Известия на Съюза на учените - Варна,2.2003 - 1.2004, 9-14.
4. Coburn M, Ashworth C, Francis W, Morin C, Broukhim M, Carney WI Jr. Venous stasis complications of the use of the superficial femoral and popliteal veins for lower extremity bypass. // J Vasc Surg. 1993 Jun;17 (6):1005-8
5. Bell CL, Ali AT, Brawley JG, D'Addio VJ, Modrall JG, Valentine RJ, Clagett GP. Arterial reconstruction of infected femoral artery pseudoaneurysms using superficial femoral-popliteal vein. // J Am Coll Surg. 2005 Jun;200 (6):831-6.
6. Clagett GP, Valentine RJ, Hagino RT. Autogenous aortoiliac/femoral reconstruction from superficial femoral- popliteal veins: feasibility and durability // J Vasc Surg. 1997 Feb;25(2):255-66.
7. Dorweiler B, Neufang A, Schmiedt W, Oelert H. Autogenous reconstruction of infected arterial prosthetic grafts utilizing the superficial femoral vein // Thorac Cardio- vasc Surg. 2001 Apr;49(2):107-11.
8. Nevelsteen A, Lacroix H, Suy R. Autogenous reconstruction with the lower extremity deep veins: an alternative treatment of prosthetic infection after reconstructive surgery for aortoiliac disease.
9. Brown PM Jr, Kim VB, Lalikos JF, Deaton DH, Bogey WM, Powell CS. Autologous superficial femoral vein for aortic reconstruction in infected fields. // Ann Vasc Surg. 1999 Jan;13(1):32-6.
10. Franke S, Voit R. The superficial femoral vein as arterial substitute in infections of the aortoiliac region. // Ann Vasc Surg. 1997 Jul;11(4):406-12.
11. D'Addio V, Ali A, Timaran C, Siragusa T, Valentine J, Arko F, Modrall JG, Clagett GP. Femorofemoral bypass with femoral popliteal vein // J.Vasc. Surgery, 2005, Volume 42 , Number 1, Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 35-39.
12. Schulman ML, Badhey MR, Yatco R, Pillari G. A saphenous alternative: preferential use of superficial femoral and popliteal veins as femoropopliteal bypass grafts. // Am J Surg. 1986 Aug;152(2):231-7.
13. Harris RW, Andros G, Salles-Cunha SX, Dulawa LB, Oblath RW, Apyan R. Alternative autogenous vein grafts to the inadequate saphenous vein // Surgery. 1986 Nov; 100 (5):822-7.
14. Gradman WS, Cohen W, Haji-Aghaii M. Arteriovenous fistula construction in the thigh with transposed superficial femoral vein: our initial experience. // J Vasc Surg. 2001 May;33(5):968-75.
15. Gradman W S., Laub J, Cohen W. Femoral vein transposition for arteriovenous hemodialysis access: Improved patient selection and intraoperative measures reduce postoperative ischemia. // J. Vasc. Surgery,February 2005 • Volume 41 • Number 2
2. Schulman ML, Badhey MR, Yatco R, Pillari G. An 11-year experience with deep leg veins as femoropopliteal bypass grafts. // Arch Surg. 1986 Sep;121(9):1010-5.
3. Д.Ставрев,Г.Маринов, В.Княжев. Ремоделиране на стената на vena saphena magna и на vena femoralis при
пациенти с хронична артериална недостатъчност на дол- ните крайници /ХАНДК/. Известия на Съюза на учените - Варна,2.2003 - 1.2004, 9-14.
4. Coburn M, Ashworth C, Francis W, Morin C, Broukhim M, Carney WI Jr. Venous stasis complications of the use of the superficial femoral and popliteal veins for lower extremity bypass. // J Vasc Surg. 1993 Jun;17 (6):1005-8
5. Bell CL, Ali AT, Brawley JG, D'Addio VJ, Modrall JG, Valentine RJ, Clagett GP. Arterial reconstruction of infected femoral artery pseudoaneurysms using superficial femoral-popliteal vein. // J Am Coll Surg. 2005 Jun;200 (6):831-6.
6. Clagett GP, Valentine RJ, Hagino RT. Autogenous aortoiliac/femoral reconstruction from superficial femoral- popliteal veins: feasibility and durability // J Vasc Surg. 1997 Feb;25(2):255-66.
7. Dorweiler B, Neufang A, Schmiedt W, Oelert H. Autogenous reconstruction of infected arterial prosthetic grafts utilizing the superficial femoral vein // Thorac Cardio- vasc Surg. 2001 Apr;49(2):107-11.
8. Nevelsteen A, Lacroix H, Suy R. Autogenous reconstruction with the lower extremity deep veins: an alternative treatment of prosthetic infection after reconstructive surgery for aortoiliac disease.
9. Brown PM Jr, Kim VB, Lalikos JF, Deaton DH, Bogey WM, Powell CS. Autologous superficial femoral vein for aortic reconstruction in infected fields. // Ann Vasc Surg. 1999 Jan;13(1):32-6.
10. Franke S, Voit R. The superficial femoral vein as arterial substitute in infections of the aortoiliac region. // Ann Vasc Surg. 1997 Jul;11(4):406-12.
11. D'Addio V, Ali A, Timaran C, Siragusa T, Valentine J, Arko F, Modrall JG, Clagett GP. Femorofemoral bypass with femoral popliteal vein // J.Vasc. Surgery, 2005, Volume 42 , Number 1, Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 35-39.
12. Schulman ML, Badhey MR, Yatco R, Pillari G. A saphenous alternative: preferential use of superficial femoral and popliteal veins as femoropopliteal bypass grafts. // Am J Surg. 1986 Aug;152(2):231-7.
13. Harris RW, Andros G, Salles-Cunha SX, Dulawa LB, Oblath RW, Apyan R. Alternative autogenous vein grafts to the inadequate saphenous vein // Surgery. 1986 Nov; 100 (5):822-7.
14. Gradman WS, Cohen W, Haji-Aghaii M. Arteriovenous fistula construction in the thigh with transposed superficial femoral vein: our initial experience. // J Vasc Surg. 2001 May;33(5):968-75.
15. Gradman W S., Laub J, Cohen W. Femoral vein transposition for arteriovenous hemodialysis access: Improved patient selection and intraoperative measures reduce postoperative ischemia. // J. Vasc. Surgery,February 2005 • Volume 41 • Number 2
Как цитировать
Княжев, В., Големанов, Д., Маринов, Г., Хрелев, С., Манолов, Н., Костов, П., & Дончев, Н. (2006). Бедренная вена в качестве кондуита при повторных артериальных реконструкциях. Bulletin of the International Scientific Surgical Association, 1(1), 11-13. извлечено от http://www.surgjournal.ru/index.php/BISSA/article/view/47
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